It seems quite clear to me, as the protests continue in Belarus against its dictator, that the future of this repuplic will be an alliance with Russia. Since the dictator himself will feel more and more of protests, so he will fear a coup de palace, he will suggest to his parliament that the wise thing to is a close alliance with Russia, where Belarus is signing with Russia as mutal partners in defense and stability. Thus Russian troops will be let into Belarus, when the dictator will claim that his country is under attack FROM ABROAD. Later, when the dictator grews older, he will settle in Rissia and let Belatus be run by a couple of handpickad men, half of the from Russia. So Belarus will be claimed by the aging Putin to be part of Russia. The dictator-man L. will claim that all this is done for the best of his country. He will then take a bath in the Caspian Sea.
( tänkerjagdå ) Mitt namn är Kaj Bernh. Genell. Jag är en göteborgare, född 1944. Jag skriver en del o. har bland annat skrivit romaner, flera deckare, noveller, en bok om Kafka, samt en bok om Ironi. Flera romaner är på engelska. Böckerna finns på Adlibris, Bokus. Vissa finns enbart på Amazon. Läs gärna mer på mina hemsidor: & Jag är - vad gäller littertur - emot det pretentiösa, men för det preciost ironiska.
tisdag 11 augusti 2020
lördag 8 augusti 2020
The RED PILL. 1-2. ( Chapters of a new novel.)
I have been the captain on many a ship and ferry, and
I have enjoyed it nearly always. But it was not so when my shipping company had
me take on “Sunland” on a cargo trip to Java. The ship was all painted black,
the hull as well as all the houses on deck, and the masts. She was not an impressive ship, about 11000 deadweight tons, as far as I remember.
On this
trip, I brought my new wife, Gwendoline, with me, because she wanted to
experience the Indian Ocean. Gwen and I had married in June, at a chapel in
Harlem. She said she would be so kind to me if I took her with me, and she
would not present any problem of any sort. It was in September, and “Sunland”
had in the afternoon just haply gotten underway from Amsterdam, varying lots of
wheat, a couple of cars and some horses, when I felt it was something strange
with the ship. Or me.
For a
change, this ship also carried a few passengers: three painters and one man,
who claimed he was a banker. Initially, I had told them that they would have to
reside by themselves since I was busy with taking command of a ship that was entirely
new for me. The painters were Mr. and Mrs. Williamson and a tiny, slender boy from
Texas named Paul Contour.
I was standing
in the night on poop deck only hours after we departed from the Hafen, watching
the many-colored clouds in the sky. The lights of the small cities ashore
gliding by as we sailed southwards towards the English Channel, more precisely
Strait of Dover. I had earlier introduced myself to my crew, which I found to
be of the average kind, but sufficiently good and I had learned the names and
faces of my three officers: Sully, Petersen, and Ruiz. The 1st
officer, Midas Sully, was a strange character. Midas was a tall guy, fifteen
years my senior; grey hair, whiskers, and light grey eyes. He spoke in a hollow
voice. He said he had seen my credentials and said that he also had attended
Colombia College. I, as a captain and the navigation officers – like Sully and
Petersen - all have responsibilities on cargo ships like this one, monitoring
the ship's systems and behaviour. A sailor most often physically steers the boat.
Only when the vessel is docking or undocking, the captain will take physical control
of the ship, placing his hands on the controls, you know….
Ruiz, a
fellow from Paraguay, stood at the steering wheel, and I had put out a whole
bunch of men on the lookout. These waters by the Belgian coast have heavy
traffic by everything from fishing vessels to tankers. I wanted at least to come
through the Channel before I went to bed that night.
and Sully stood aloft in the back talking, as well as puffing cigars. Longitudinal
on the port side, two dolphins had been spotted. They soon disappeared, though.
I ransacked
my memory. I thought I had met Sully on some occasions. But I did not know
where or when. He was significantly older than me - I was just thirty-three at
the time - so I don´t think we had been in the same classes in high school or
at the same parties. I often let my thoughts go back to my year at Colombia
College because it had only been one year, due to a catastrophe regarding my
family. I was not at all sure if I had met him at all.
Then I felt
for the first time how something in my brain, behind the right-hand side temple,
went kind of white. I got a little blinded, but I did not feel any pain, just
somewhat blotted out.
Midship one
of the sailors shouted out that one of the horses had become sick. Some horses
were located right on deck in large boxes, and in one of the boxes, one of
those beautiful black creatures was lying down on the floor. If you know about
horses, you know that they very rarely prefer to lie down. If a horse is on the
ground, it is either sick or dead.
When I got
aboard, I had laid out the course on our main chart and put up our destinations
into our logbook. I had told our telegraph operator, Trevor Swanson, to cable
to our destinations. Later this day, I could not find my chart. I summoned
everybody to my quarters: Sully, Ruiz, Neville ( the 3rd officer )
the chief Engineer Mr. Griffin as well as the Chief Cook, Schoenberg, and Mr.
Weichsel, an unusually handsome man with a big torso and a big black moustache,
who was a clerk representing the company, as well as my wife Gwen, and I told
them that I could not find the chart, the map, on which I had laid out the
course to Durban. Nobody had the slightest clue where to find the map. So I had
to draw up the route again, making another chart. Just hours into this journey,
this bode no good.
After dinner,
which was a steak we all ate under silent conditions, I withdrew with my wife
to the captain's departments, which was a small suite consisting of three rooms
on the starboard side of the black ship.
“Well, we
are at least on our way,” Gwen told me. She had let out her red hair over her
white dress, and she smiled, and her freckled shone in the light from the small
roof lamps.
“Sure,” I
said. “It will be a gas.”
Before my
wife and I were to go to bed, I retook a stroll on the deck. I then met with
the three painters, who all of them highly was taken aback with the sight of
the Nord Sea. They flung bits of bread towards the seagulls, but the birds just
looked perplexed.
In the corner of my eye, I caught a glimpse of
Sully, however, and I thought I could discover a wry smile on his lips.
Tomorrow we
would reach Cherbourg.
I woke up the next morning by the light touch of
Gwendoline´s hand. She had made some coffee to us on our own coffee-machine.
Generally, I wouldn´t say I like to go to the pantry just for coffee, and she
knows that. She was also with me on a trip to Galveston.
I soon was
sitting by our table in our saloon reading a book while talking to Gwen. She
was not much of a talker. We both realized that it was a beautiful September
day, and it was not a single cloud in the sky.
weather!” I grunted and turned a page in the book, which was a classic. It was
a book on philosophy by Wittgenstein, and I had read it many times, but some
books are like that: you never really get to grips with them ever. I used to
carry this book in my side pocket, and it sometimes caused some amusement. But
of course, some just thought it was a silly thing to be reading philosophical
classics like that.
“Amazeballs,” Gwen said. She really did not speak much, - as I told you
- but I didn´t care, because I thought she was such a lovely thing, and her
appearance was stunning, and you never saw such firm bodies like hers very
often. Her thighs and her breasts were like hard rubber. Not many redheads have
rubber flesh like that.
It was a
knock at the cabin door. It was Ruiz, the 3rd officer.
“It´s eight
o´clock, sir!”
“Great!” I
shouted back.
“We are
outside Le Havre, sir!”
thing,” I hollered. I liked Ruiz from the very beginning. He was simple,
competent, and straightforward.
“Speed?” I
questioned him through the door, which was not particularly thick.
“20 knots, sir.”
“Good, I am
coming,” I said in a low voice.
went to bed again. She took a bottle of whiskey with her, while I put on my
captain´s cap and went out and on deck to meet the day. I carried
Wittgenstein´s Tractatus with me in my pocket.
young sailor by the name of Witherspoon stood by the wheel. He looked happy,
and I just asked him if he could read the chart, although it was an improvised
chart. He could, he said.
Then Midas
Sully appeared in the doorway, smiling. He carried a giant camera with a
massive objective and was about to take a picture of us all. I tried to smile
but felt a sudden kind of dizziness right under my temple, and I could not see
quite well, because of a sensation of white just ahead. I covered my eyes with
my hand. Witherspoon looked at me and asked me if I was sick or something.
“Are you
feeling well, sir?”
I waved at
the men on deck and went to my quarters again. I did not know what was wrong
with me.
I had never
been sick before. My health always had been excellent, and I used to even joke
about it. I was unjustly healthy; I used to say. But what was wrong with me. I
sat down in my saloon, and Gwen woke up in the bedroom and came out, bottle in hand.
“How re
you?” she said and smiled a little.
I wondered
if it had been a good idea to take her with me to Bali. It took forty days to
reach Indonesia, and we would spend six days there, and it would take another
forty to get home again. Three months we should spend with each other in these
tiny quarters. Perhaps it was just nervousness that caused my problem or was I
going to have trouble with my eyes, young as I was. Perhaps some painkiller
would fix it? Suddenly there was a knock on the door. It was Mrs. Williamson. I
looked at her, a little consternated and a little bit dizzy too. She had a worried
look, but she smiled too, holding a whimsy white hat in her hands.
“I heard
you were sick. Maybe I can help. I am a medical student.”
I let her in,
and after she had shaken hands with Gwendoline, I took the young doctor into my
little office. Gwen disappeared out on the deck, moderately sober. This journey
would indeed become something real extra.
“Perhaps I should not interfere …?” she said as I made her sit down on
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