It seems quite clear to me, as the protests continue in Belarus against its dictator, that the future of this repuplic will be an alliance with Russia. Since the dictator himself will feel more and more of protests, so he will fear a coup de palace, he will suggest to his parliament that the wise thing to is a close alliance with Russia, where Belarus is signing with Russia as mutal partners in defense and stability. Thus Russian troops will be let into Belarus, when the dictator will claim that his country is under attack FROM ABROAD. Later, when the dictator grews older, he will settle in Rissia and let Belatus be run by a couple of handpickad men, half of the from Russia. So Belarus will be claimed by the aging Putin to be part of Russia. The dictator-man L. will claim that all this is done for the best of his country. He will then take a bath in the Caspian Sea.
( tänkerjagdå ) Mitt namn är Kaj Bernh. Genell. Jag är en göteborgare, född 1944. Jag skriver en del o. har bland annat skrivit romaner, flera deckare, noveller, en bok om Kafka, samt en bok om Ironi. Flera romaner är på engelska. Böckerna finns på Adlibris, Bokus. Vissa finns enbart på Amazon. Läs gärna mer på mina hemsidor: & Jag är - vad gäller littertur - emot det pretentiösa, men för det preciost ironiska.
Visar inlägg med etikett Belarus. Visa alla inlägg
Visar inlägg med etikett Belarus. Visa alla inlägg
tisdag 11 augusti 2020
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