onsdag 27 januari 2021

"Kafka", an extensive analysis. NEWNEW NEWNEW NEWNEW 2021. Let´s make this a real Kafka-year!

 Kafka" is an analysis of Kafka´s novels and short stories The book deals in particular with the means contributing to the famous Kafka effekt, or - the kafkaesque. These means are found to be either technical, in that the author in this book tries to show how Kafka uses a split of consciousness, and moreover a split Unconscious, to - by a rare trick - create the Kafkaesque. The Kafkaesque itself also is found to create an interrogation. This interrogation is created by Kafka´s use of the unique device of the Kafkaesque together with his handling the Freudian theory and the Symbolic and the Romantic school as myths and undertexts. Kafka´s writings are essential to the definition of Modernity.

Författare: Kaj Bernhard Genell
ISBN: 9789180075909
Språk: Engelska
Vikt: 217 gram
Utgiven: 2021-01-11
Förlag: Books on Demand
Antal sidor: 194

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