lördag 18 juni 2022



PUTIN launches a terrorist war on A SOUVEREIGN Democratic COUNTRY! BAN RUSSIA !
What is the difference between Russia and Nazi-Germany? ETERNAL SHAME ON RUSSIA!
CHINA must STOP to SUPPORT RUSSIAN AGGRESSION! Both Russia and China essentially are Copy-Economies and ought to think twice before they mess with the Western Ec. Sphere. And Russia and China of course are Copy-Economies just because they are NOT Valid - or not at all - Democracies. Non-Democratic Countries has not the Ability to enable major Discoveries or to keep up a vibrant and Omni-Potent Cultural Life. The Political Life of such Countries is mainly concentrated upon Aggression and upon different ways in trying to control aquire Foreign Territories, Foreign Markets, as well as Foreign Businesses, hereby only causing those Areas and Businesses to Falter, due to wholly Inadequate Managing. Without Democracy - this is also an empirical fact - NO country can prosper, neither can any Individuals within the Borders of such Countries reach His, Hers or Its fullest Potential or a Good Life.
Living in an authoritarian state is meaningless, unless it is a life of protest, a life of struggle for freedom.

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