onsdag 27 september 2017

A.K. Schaffners bakvända resonemang.

Man söker historiska försklaringar till estetiska uttryck. Då kan det gå till som hos A.K. Svchaffner i den lilla uppsatsen om "lignuistic lunacy". Man gger förklaringen som om artisterna satt och funderade på vad de skulle göra åt en viss bestämd redan analyserad situation och kom fram till att man borde ägna svaret ett visst uttryck, så som i detta fall dadaism:

"What are artists and poets to do when they consider reality to be totally beyond the pale, when real life is far worse than the most radically exaggerated and biting satires could ever be? What are they to do when all of society – its values, its rituals, its beliefs, its codes and symbols – has become so despicable and loathsome that they no longer find it sufficient to criticise individual aspects of it,
but want to renounce the entire thing? What are artists to do if the historical circumstances require a critique which is so radical that it can accept nothing as given, a critique which renounces the most basic forms of social and cultural consensus?
This is how the Dadaists, in particular Hugo Ball and Raoul Hausmann, assessed the cultural circumstances during and immediately after the First World War in Zurich and in Berlin."

I själva verket kom uttrycket helt spontant, och förklaringen är en efterhandsrekonstruktion. Men här spänner alltså Schaffner vagnen för hästen.

måndag 25 september 2017

Rädd för krig

Ja, nu är jag rädd för krig. Inte personligen, men ändå. Om det blir krig i Korea.  Det känns inte  som det finns några bra initiativ till samtal mellan USA och Nordkorea. Ruskigt.


söndag 24 september 2017

But can´t you see? Donald Trump is an autist.

Can´t you see fr yourselves. Donald Trump is an autist. remove that man from power. He is dangerous! Please!

lördag 23 september 2017

National Geographic on Titanic all silly.

The documentary on Titanic made by National Geographic has made a poor job. They are trying to pinpoint the time before the ship sank without taking into account that a great dela of the sjip is buried in the sand. So bad. And the tempo of the ducomentary is sooo slow, and so full of drums that one might think it was done by aliens struck by dementia.

Four Gruesome Stories ( on Amazon )

  Four Gruesome Stories